Information is the lifeblood of investigations and it is the ability of investigators to obtain useful and accurate information from eyewitnesses that is most crucial. Yet full and accurate memory recall is difficult to achieve. This proficiency course will familiarize investigators with the Cognitive Interview (CI) technique. The CI is a systematic approach to interviewing witnesses toward increasing the amount of relevant information obtained without compromising the rate of accuracy. The CI is based on scientifically derived principles of memory and communication theory as well as extensive analyses of law-enforcement interviews. The CI has been found in scientific studies to produce significantly more information than standard Q&A questioning. The CI is legally acceptable to the courts and is ideally suited for interviewing LEOs following use-of-force incidents.
Attendees will learn about the nature of memory retrieval and how to conduct investigative interviews more effectively while avoiding the worst mistakes. This class also includes a segment on tools for detecting deception. Research shows that the reliability of red-flag indicators can be maximized through effective interview practices which comprise the CI for suspects (CIS).